Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Good News Arrives

I could have written this at 2:30 a.m. because I was sitting at the computer rejoicing and wanted to tell someone, but I decided to go back to bed and wake Rick up and tell him instead. I woke up at 2:00 a.m. and could not go back to sleep (alot of those night lately). I was really beginning to believe that we would have to have Marina go to court to fight for her registration rights. Everyday that slips by is vital in our eyes and in hers too. I was beginning to see a child behind bars imprisioned for other people's mistakes and not being able to get out. Everyday for months we have prayed for her to be registered, it all started in September 2007. This of course is the re-registration, the one that gets recorded at the SDA office. Rick and I began to grieve this. It was taking every ounce of energy to make it through this last week. Is it possible that the system will totally fail her and she will not get registered? It is nothing for the SDA to say they lost the records and the process would start all over.

Today, by e-mail we got word from Alina, the lawyer in Kyiv, that Marina is registered!!!!!!
That is so much pressure off of us, even though it is not the miracle we are looking for, it is a victory that was worth fighting for. I think of the many times that people told us to just move on, get another child, don't worry, and many other little slogans that reduced this child down to one of the stray dogs that live on the streets of Berdyansk. Just choose another one. When God puts a child on your heart to adopt, He makes it personal. He has given us a love for Yana and Marina that is so special. I marvel at this love, because it is not natural to have towards children that are not biologically your especially in such a short time. It is God's love and it can only come from Him and Him alone.

Today we rejoice in this victory, but we are still on our knees asking for a miracle. The ultimate would be to get an appointment with the SDA office to adopt Marina before March 5th. That is when our homestudy expires and we would have to get a new one with updates. Our daughter would be with us forever, and the adoption would be behind us. This is God's journey and the miracle is His. We will pray and know that He is God. He answered a very important prayer for us immediately last night, He showed us that we are in His will and obeying His directions. That was a great affirmation at a time of extreme weakness. He reveals Himself personally just at the right time. Wow, what a journey, who would have guessed that our journey would be so bumpy. I know one person that did, it was no surprise to Him that it would be. One year ago in February I met Marina and knew that I loved her enough to adopt her. One year ago, God introduced me to Marina, gave me a heart for her, and knew that my life was about to change, it would go through some of the darkest spiritual times I have ever had and yet I would draw closer to Him because there was no where else to go. I look forward to the end of the journey, when Marina is home and I can say, this was worth the ride. Right now, I just thank God that He does care and He is traveling the journey with me.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing your heart. Congratulations on the good news. I know from personal experience of fighting the system here how much energy it takes to simply get through the day filled with waiting. Boyd and I had to be separated for 1 1/2 years after we were married because I was waiting on my visa. May God comfort you and give you the strength you need. I am thankful for what I learned during my waiting months but I wish I had handled my waiting better. Praying for you. Love,

Dave said...

Praise God! Marina is registered! Praying for you to get her home soon, before your home study expires. We just began the home study update process. It's much easier than the original, so if you have to have it updated, it's not too big of a deal. But it will be great if you don't need to do it all. I can only imagine how worn out you are over all the heart-ache you've faced.

I pray for you to have hope:
Isaiah 40:28-31
Do you not know? Have you not heard? The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom. He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

And I pray for God to give you endurance:
I Cor. 15:58:
Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.

Caroline said...

What wonderful news! YES! She's finally registered! That along with what you learned in Priovorsky about the SDA is a winning combination. And *you* already had your airline ticket purchased too! :-D I'm definitely praying for doors to continue to open and your SDA appointment. What a day!!

ArtworkByRuth said...

Too bad blogger HTML doesn't allow emoticons, mine is doing back flips of JOY! What great news! We are continuing to pray for this miracle! God Bless!

Heidi and Felix said...

Wow! That is wonderful news! Praise God and way to go Alina!

Anonymous said...

That is such great news. I'm still praying each and every day. Bring Marina home where she belongs. Love and miss you all, The Rahn family

Karen said...

Praise God! That is wonderful news. Look forward to seeing you over here soon I hope!!

Erica said...

What wonderful news! We are praising God and thanking Him with you. We will continue to pray for your family.

Anonymous said...

Our God Is an Awesome God! What an amazing announcement that the registration has occurred! We love you four, Kathryn & David

Kim said...

YES!!!! God has answered our prayers - and we won't be finished praying till you have both your girls tucked in under one roof - IN THE US! Thanks for sharing!

Tami said...

What wonderful news!!! God is so good...you can see His hand all over this!

junglemama said...

Praise God! That is such good news! Thanks for sharing.

adopting2fromUkraine said...

I wanted to add another Praise God! So many times when we've thought there is no way something will happen, suddenly things turn around and you KNOW it is God that has done it.

He also gave you that heart to know that it was Marina that you needed to pursue as your daughter.

Jane said...

Does she not need to be on the databank for a year after registration? I thought all children had to endure this, but I guess she's a special case since she was registered before. I hope you can bring her home very soon. That is fantastic news