Friday, January 4, 2008

Getting Ready for Christmas 2008

While everyone in the states is preparing for the year and settling into their normal routines, the church is preparing for the birth of Jesus. We will be celebrating Christmas 2008 on January 7th. We picked up Yana on thursday to keep until Christmas night. She will go back to the orphanage one more time and then stay with us, I hope. Since there is no school until January 14th, I am sure that she will be with us. Maria is in the orphanage hospital with a sore throat. When she was told she could not go with us she cried. We promised to come and get her on Friday. Today is Friday, she was not allowed to come with us yet. The director of the orphanage is really wonderful to us. She has let us have as much time with Marina as Yana and felt very bad about her having to tell Marina, no not today. But Maybe! tomorrow. Again. Marina cried. We went back to the orphanage hospital and got her laughing again. She has had 5 shots in the hind end and has one more to go tonight. I would never tell anyone that I had a sore throat if I knew that I had to get 6 shots! Hopefully Saturday we can get her until Christmas also.

The weather is brutal. I thought I was well prepared for cold weather. I thought being raised south of Buffalo, N.Y. I qualified as being tough as far as weather goes. There is no comparison to what cold is out here. Those fur hats that we often think of when we think of Russia are not a fashion statement, they are necessity. We try to walk but it is getting too intense for me. Every day I hope for some relief and everyday is getting colder. In spite of the cold, I had an awesome day. Yana and Papa let me go on a short term mission trip. There is a young missionary named Jennie, from Chicago, here for the week. She is teaching Yana English. Wonderful person, Yana just loves her. She is a teacher. Her school sent cards and beannie babies to the orphan children. Ernie and Anna's, as part of their outreach for the city, have helped to get this little orphanage going for children that normally would be on the streets. The parents can drop them off there if they can't raise them, or if the children are taken from the parents. This is a holding orphanage until more permanent things happen, like return to family or the child goes into a more permanent orphanage. Sad? yes! I was asked to go with them to bring presents from the church and to give out the beannie babies. The children would melt your hearts just like they did mine. We walked in and the little ones just surrounded us. I know little Russian, but I was able to ask their names and how old they were. That just drew them closer. There were 2 teenage girls that looked pretty tough. They were covering their hurt, I am sure. At the end I decided to give them a hug and a kiss. Those 2 girls turned into babies. It is such a pleasure when the Lord allows you to be the Jesus in the flesh and give love to those that need it the most. As I looked into the eyes of those children, I asked myself what that kind of experience and rejection must feel like. I had to just pray for God to comfort them and bless their earthly journey. Ernie and Anna are doing great work here in the Ukraine. The stories they share make me realize the sacrifice it has taken them to change the lives of so many others. After the orphanage we went to a warehouse to pick up candy, cookies and other things for the Christmas celebration at the church. After returning home (it is that comfortable to be called home) Rick and I went to see Marina and Yanna had lessons with Genny. I forgot to mention, Thursday night we had our first dinner party at our home. We all had a great time and.....Yana jumped up and insisted on doing all the dishes. Will this last? Yana does like being an only child, she is very comfortable with us. Now for the down side of adoption of teenagers in the Ukraine. My sweet beautiful daughter was at the grocery store with papa and he let her pick out food she likes. She picked out a package of tiny fish (smelt) that are to be salted and dried and eaten like beef jerky. What am I going to do with this? Jennie had lunch with us today, she made me promise not to invite her when we were going to eat the fish, thanks Jennie.
Thank you all as always for lifting us up. New names show up and we get excited, the old names that have been so faithful show up and we are blessed beyond what I could ever imagine. You are all so precious in our sight, can't even imagine what you look like in God's sight.
Pray for a miracle,


Passanita Family said...

What a joy it must be to be able to go give those kids some presents and love. I'm know you made their day with the hugs and that knack you have with kids, Fran.
Don't let papa go to the store again with Yana. We ended up with Turkey flavored croutons when Rob went with Yuri once. ONCE! I guess you never know; that fish might be quite tastey.
We love you and miss you. It's cold here too but not as cold as there. Bundle up and try to keep warm.
Laura, Rob and boys

Dave said...

Mmmmm...sounds like you guys have been making fish crackers! Wish I could have some! Wait, we're coming back...yikes, we might get our shot!

Thanks for the regular updates! It helps us pray specifically. Have a Merry Christmas as a new little family of 4!

Tami said...

Eeeww...I'm not so sure about the fish. I think I would have to pass on that! :)

Erica said...

We are another adoptive family working with Yuri and were told about your blog by a family that you met there in Ukraine, so we've been following your story and of course, praying, praying, praying. Our time in Ukraine was rather difficult and we had to return home to wait for a 2nd appointment, so we can relate some to your journey. NEVER give up on prayer - sometimes we would like to take control of God's plan but then, wouldn't that make it "our" plan? Your faith is amazing and encouraging to all of us!

Anonymous said...

Glad things are going well. I hope you survive the cold. I thought Ukraine was cold until I went to visit my friends in Minnesota over New Year's once. I had never been that cold my whole life in Ukraine!! It is funny but salted fish is something Ukrainians really miss in the States. I have never been crazy over that stuff, though. I guess it is an acquired taste. Most Ukrainians cannot appreciate such American favorites as fresh celery, for example. As for doing dishes, I think it will last if you encourage it. Ukrainian girls generally grow up without a dish washer.
Praying for a miracle,

Anonymous said...

Continuing to be so blessed by your journey with our amazing God! What a wonderful opporunity to be able to bless other orphans in ministry while you are there pursuing God's call to your heart for your own girls! Your girls are most beautiful and sound like a joy to be with! Praying for you and so excited to see you home all together as a family in the near future! Merry Christmas to you as you celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior again with God's people in the Ukraine, how exciting!

In Christ,

Anonymous said...

Great post, chilly friends! We loved having two Christmas's last just keeps the joy and fun going! Shopping trips in Ukraine were fun - Elizabeth also picked out fish - canned fish. And I liked it! It is still one of her favorite meals -- sardines on bread and butter. We never did actually buy those dried black fish (to eat) sold at the market -- though we did bring one home in the form of a statue of we will have it forever! On that note, the prayer flood continues! Happy, Merry, and big hugs to all the children who cross your paths. Do Y & M know the girl that the Khomyaks are adopting?
~Jean, Jim & co.

Q's News said...

Thanks for the wonderful post. We also continue to pray.
I have a fur hat I can send you - real rabbit. If you get one we can have Russian hat day at the chapel then I won't be alone ;-)
I think Papa's are great food shoppers, BTW! Have a merry Christmas!
Tim & Charlene

Anonymous said...

Hey Rick and Fran glad to hear things are going great in your new apartment. And no a teenager doing the dishes will not last so take advantage of it while you can. It sounds cold and snowy. Would you like some more of it? We have about 4 feet of snow we can let you borrow and we also have cold temps 20 degrees or lower you can borrow until spring. Love and miss you all

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It won't be long before your daughters insist on double cheeseburgers, Chic-fil-A sandwiches, Coke and french fries! :-) We were so happy to see McDonalds -- after we left Berdyask and arrived in Kiev!
Merry Christmas!
peace and blessings,
Terri, Stan, Art and Ella

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas - we are praying at every evening meal and other times for the FOUR of you.

Tony, Gretchan,Scot,and Anna

Heidi and Felix said...

Well I can't be silent anymore. We have been lurking for several weeks - enjoying your blog and praying for Marina. We, too, are working to get a girl registered so we can adopt her. So our hearts are with you.

By the way, smelt are tasty if you batter and fry them. You can eat them in one or two bites - tail and all.

Heidi and Felix

Anonymous said...

Fran and Rick,
We have an internet filter on our computer which did not allow us to make any comments, but we could read your posts. I think we've figured out how to unblock things now! We are still praying that God will allow Marina to go home with you. We've loved following your journey!
Love, Lyn & Bob

Unknown said...

You are doing a wonderful job in journeling your faith walk with Yana and Marina. It has certainly lifted me up and to see how the Lord is working through you both. I can't imagine how cold you are there but it does explain how it's like pulling teeth to get Irina to wear more than a light jacket when it's 20 degrees! Stay well and healthy! If a sore throat puts you in the hospital with 6 shots I wonder what happens if it's serious! God bless, we love and miss you!
Debbie & Dale

Anonymous said...

Hey Rick and Fran,
We are SO very excited for you and your beautiful girls! We are praying that God will accomplish His purposes for each of you while you're in the Ukraine and bring you safely home to Virginia very soon.
We just celebrated the 5th anniversary of Katie's arrival from Korea. What a blessing. We are thrilled that you are welcoming these precious young ladies into your family!
Mom was so very happy for you all and was looking forward to meeting Yana and Marina. I hope that we will have the privilege of meeting your beautiful family one day very soon.
Love to all,
Teresa (Betty McDonald's daughter)