Hurry up and wait, sound familar? So much of life is like that. Your hurry to get here and there to find yourself waiting at the red light. I don't do red lights real well, but I practice trying to be a good red light person. We are at a red light waiting for the green. Our facilitar has received the last of our changed paper work and is now waiting to return to the SDA office at 9:00 a.m. on Thursday, March 26th. There is good chance that our appointment will be at the end of
April, so I am trying to prepare for that scenario. I also realize that the papers could be returned again, many changes are taking place in Ukraine for adoptions, especially paper work. I realize that after being told Koyla, our son to be, is registered, there is always chance the papers are lost, we have been down that road before. Have you ever been at a red light and it didn't change? You look around to see if
others have noticed, you wait a little longer and start wondering what to do. It is really hard when you are the first person at the light and others are looking to you to make the decision. That is how I feel with this adoption. I am so ready to get on with life, yet we are at a red light, waiting. I look forward to our trip to Ukraine and having Koyla as my son, but there are so many things that are on hold until this is over. There is nothing on hold that is more important then adopting a child. There is nothing on hold that has any eternal value, just things.
April, so I am trying to prepare for that scenario. I also realize that the papers could be returned again, many changes are taking place in Ukraine for adoptions, especially paper work. I realize that after being told Koyla, our son to be, is registered, there is always chance the papers are lost, we have been down that road before. Have you ever been at a red light and it didn't change? You look around to see if

When I get real anxious I look at Koyla 's picture and that has a calming effect on me. I look at Yana and I realize that this little guy is worth the wait. This picture of Koyla was taken by friends who recently visited Berdyansk Orphanage and met Koyla. They brought a gift to him from our family. We got a real good report about Koyla. The director says he is a good boy!!! I guess there could be other motives for saying he is a good boy, like she wants him to be with his sister, but I will choose to believe he is a good boy.
Hopefully on March 26th when I get out of bed and run to the computer, the light will turn green. We will have our appointment and the official packing can begin. Until then, I am sitting at the red light, waiting.